The Sony FX-414 is from 1980. It has a 3.7 inch TV, AM/FM stereo, and a cassette player.

Sony FX-414

This Sony FX-414 portable TV/boombox was introduced in the year 1979. Sometimes the model number is FX-414BE, which was a European version with different voltage and an additional tuner band for LW. But anyway, both of these models are loaded with features. They have a 3.7 inch black and white TV, an AM/FM tuner, and a cassette player. They have two 4-inch speakers, two antennas, two VU meters, Stereo Wide, Mic Mixing, Line In, Line Out, and separate Bass and Treble controls. Output power is 2x2.5W when using AC, or 2x2.2W when using batteries. A copy of the service manual can be purchased HERE.(external link)




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